Saturday, 27 August 2016

It's better to have a great time, than crib over a dime.
~Mansi Gupta. 

After the break.

Next door neighbors,
Played together,
Grew up,
As lovers,
Responsibility called for them,
With tears and hugs,
They parted,
And a new had journey started,
Lost touch,
As distance wasn't just,
A class reunion,
Brought them back,
Now things were different,
He wore black robs,
And she wore a white coat,
Years later,
Bells rang,
As the choir began,
A white gown,
She lit up his town.

~Mansi Gupta. 


And you promised to stay, 
You promised to not be what everyone else thought you would become, 
You said you would be the light,
And not let darkness ruin your charm,
You said that you can count on me when things are wrong, 
And yet it hurts that the day I expressed my heart, 
You just walked away,

Without a say.

~ Mansi Gupta. 

Saturday, 13 August 2016


When you start a new book all the emotions are real. That book has a different meaning in your life
and others never understand. Unfortunately, when you're at the last chapter of the book either one
the two things might happen. Either you might get done with the book and never read it again.
Or you might have a special place for this book. You might value this book more than the other book.
Cause it is the only book that understands your tale, when your boat began too sail.

~ Mansi Gupta.


"I can't just sit after all that has happened!" she screamed,
Alas, what she was facing wasn't what she dreamed,
the day his body was on her knee,
she was in pain but he was finally free,
seven months of prison,
even when he wasn't the reason,
she couldn't see it,
she brought death to his feet,
a normal life is all she wanted,
that life now kept her haunted.

~ Mansi Gupta.

The smile in her eyes,
the happiness on her face,
the words in her heart,
like a walk in the rain,
felt love was a cage,
now, she was done with those days,
couldn't surrender,
as she was all about thunder,
yet, at night her mind did wander,
"Finding true love is simply hard,
a perfect soul with a mighty heart,"
is all what she wondered.

~ Joint effort.


In world full of doubts,
we are always in the deepest of our thoughts,
we question their loyalty,
we question our simplicity,
afraid to get closer,
as we never got that closure.

~ Mansi Gupta.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Looking at him brought him tears,
Windows broken,
Arising fears,
he slammed the door,
he threw that frame on the floor,
drunk again,
she could feel the pain,
he grabbed her hand,
it was his land,
threw her like a bottle,
shivering soul,
everything was broken,
everything was a mess,
his hands in blood,
her body lay in that flood.

~ Mansi Gupta.