Tuesday, 29 November 2016

On my way

"Just hold my  hand,"
His eyes were full of fear,
He was holding his tears,
"Dad, I will meet you soon,"she said,
He felt nothing but regret,
Four hours,
His blurry vision saw a figure,
"Is she ,is she okay?"
A nod,
His life fell apart,
A dark night,
He was out of sight.
~ Mansi Gupta.


We're growing up,
Filling a part of our cup,
From milk,
To coffee,
We wanted to grow up so soon,
That we kept stirring,
Until everything got cold,
And we only cared about the pot of gold.
~ Mansi Gupta.


I will protect,
Trust me I won't let it affect,
The border is my enemy,
So don't wait,
It's my ride,
I am hardly sober,
But when I say I am your lover,
I mean forever.
~ The graves.

~Mansi Gupta.


Everything was red,
You and your head,
Smashed into bits,
Everything was lit,
That game sure was ,
Oh my.
~ Mansi Gupta.


With everything you say,
I move a little further,
A world so messed up,
That I am stuck,
Unable to run,
Even though I don't want to,
~Mansi Gupta.

Sunday, 13 November 2016


Finally we had enough,
We ran all the way,
With delight,
As it was time for us to reunite.
~ Mansi Gupta

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Last bench

And years went by,
I still remember the days,
Last bench, a hit drenched,
Felt cold, acted bold,
Feared nothing,
Tried most of the things,
We ruled the class,
Broke the glass,
Papers were left blank,
Yet our hearts never sank,
As we had each other,
read those scribbled desks.

-Mansi Gupta-

Two feet.

We dreamed big,
Used to dig,
For fortune beneath,
As we couldn't wait,
To stand up on our two feet.

~ Mansi Gupta

Friday, 28 October 2016

Who am I ?

"I've been waiting",he said,
Guarding the gates,
"Where have you been?
You're late",
I couldn't understand,
Because for one moment it was all black,
Then it was all a blur,
Standing in front of someone red,
Horns which covered his head,
He showed a flashback,
Which I had lost all track off,
With daggers in my hands,
Blood on the barren land,
I was him,
But with a light which was rather dim.

~ Mansi Gupta

Thursday, 20 October 2016


Covered with dust,
I found it,
Those pages were stuck,
A silver lining is what we touched,
The needles meet,
Things repeat,
And so does my heartbeat.
~ Mansi Gupta. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Searching for light.

In brown and green,
I looked up at him,
He was going for a war,
And he said this wouldn't be his last call,
A warm goodbye,
We had no choice,
As we weren’t white,
We were deprived of our birth right.
 ~Mansi Gupta. 

Something else.

Saying that you're in love is easy,  but do you actually mean it?
When you find the person that fits right in your puzzle, you fall in love. You just don't get over that person. You enjoy their presence.
When you feel incomplete without them, you realize you're in love, and those past failures were not love,
they were something else.
 ~ Mansi Gupta. 

More than this.

A long way down,
you me and our town,
Grew up,side by side,
we've caught the same ride,
expeditions is what we loved,
away from the city chasing the sun,
picked up the other,
we were more than brothers,
a bond so deep,
we never felt the need to weep.
 ~Mansi Gupta. 


And that's when I felt numb,
my throat was dry,
ripped clothes,
scared soul,
that's the day,
when I started to fear life more.
 ~Mansi Gupta. 

Let us begin.

     There are certain stages in a relationship. Stage one, the introduction where you get to know their name the city they belong and so on. The second stage is when you spend a part of your day with them. Third, when you start liking their presence. Fourth, when you meet their friends. Fifth, when you realize you like them a bit too much. That bit too much is the most amazing feeling you've ever experienced, you want to be with them all day, yet you're too shy to admit it. Sixth, when you admit your feelings towards them. And, when you do so either one of the things happen. You get to hear the same from them or you never hear from them again.
 ~Mansi Gupta. 

Under the bed.

"You and I have a special bond,
 You think of me when things are wrong,
You behave like a good child,
But , that won’t affect how I treat you , alright?
I saw you grow up,
I saw you walk,
You and that pink dress of yours,
You and  your house tour.
You tuck in early as you fear me,
But you’re unable to see,
The night is dark,
And so am I .
I love that bear you hold,
I know without that you’re cold,
Because you fear to grow old,
You don’t know how to be bold.
I don’t scratch those glass windows,
No,  I am not a psychopath,
It’s you and that tiny brain of yours,
That let me crawl in the back of your head.
Dogs barking,
the clock struck,
your door shuts,
Oh, poor you,
You dreaded this moment,
You knew it was your turn,
You never look under the bed, sweet thing,
Because when you see those eyes red,
I hold your leg. "
   ~Mansi Gupta. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2016


  She was a rainbow to brighten her rainy day,
  What did you expect another love tale?
  She belived to put her boat to sail,
  when the world failed.
   ~ Mansi Gupta.

Last mile.

  It is just perfect,
  spending time with your loved ones,
  with a world moing so fast
  it is difficult to keep track of,
  but when it is someone whom you can't live without,
  you do something to keep them around,
  you would do anything to make them smile,
  because you want to walk with them till the last mile.

  ~ Mansi Gupta


Why is it so hard to say it?
You make me strong,
you make me something,
you're that one song,
that never goes wrong,
you're the one,
I want to stick with for long.

Then why is it so hard to say it?
|| The lost friend||

      ~ Mansi Gupta.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

It's better to have a great time, than crib over a dime.
~Mansi Gupta. 

After the break.

Next door neighbors,
Played together,
Grew up,
As lovers,
Responsibility called for them,
With tears and hugs,
They parted,
And a new had journey started,
Lost touch,
As distance wasn't just,
A class reunion,
Brought them back,
Now things were different,
He wore black robs,
And she wore a white coat,
Years later,
Bells rang,
As the choir began,
A white gown,
She lit up his town.

~Mansi Gupta. 


And you promised to stay, 
You promised to not be what everyone else thought you would become, 
You said you would be the light,
And not let darkness ruin your charm,
You said that you can count on me when things are wrong, 
And yet it hurts that the day I expressed my heart, 
You just walked away,

Without a say.

~ Mansi Gupta. 

Saturday, 13 August 2016


When you start a new book all the emotions are real. That book has a different meaning in your life
and others never understand. Unfortunately, when you're at the last chapter of the book either one
the two things might happen. Either you might get done with the book and never read it again.
Or you might have a special place for this book. You might value this book more than the other book.
Cause it is the only book that understands your tale, when your boat began too sail.

~ Mansi Gupta.


"I can't just sit after all that has happened!" she screamed,
Alas, what she was facing wasn't what she dreamed,
the day his body was on her knee,
she was in pain but he was finally free,
seven months of prison,
even when he wasn't the reason,
she couldn't see it,
she brought death to his feet,
a normal life is all she wanted,
that life now kept her haunted.

~ Mansi Gupta.

The smile in her eyes,
the happiness on her face,
the words in her heart,
like a walk in the rain,
felt love was a cage,
now, she was done with those days,
couldn't surrender,
as she was all about thunder,
yet, at night her mind did wander,
"Finding true love is simply hard,
a perfect soul with a mighty heart,"
is all what she wondered.

~ Joint effort.


In world full of doubts,
we are always in the deepest of our thoughts,
we question their loyalty,
we question our simplicity,
afraid to get closer,
as we never got that closure.

~ Mansi Gupta.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Looking at him brought him tears,
Windows broken,
Arising fears,
he slammed the door,
he threw that frame on the floor,
drunk again,
she could feel the pain,
he grabbed her hand,
it was his land,
threw her like a bottle,
shivering soul,
everything was broken,
everything was a mess,
his hands in blood,
her body lay in that flood.

~ Mansi Gupta.

Monday, 25 July 2016

One day

Growing up is easy,
growing apart isn't.

Holding on is a tendency,
letting go isn't.

Spreading love is beautiful,
fighting for isn't.

It's easy for us to say,
but difficult for us to pass that "One" day.

~Mansi Gupta.

Moving on

The point is we say we won't move on but we do. We crush those feelings of ours and get lost in the
world of moving on with newer versions of people who we thought wouldn't change. We fear of being forgotten. We fear of being unheard by those whom we once called as "home". We are the same but they aren't.
They don't keep up to what they once said and sooner we begun the journey of moving on..
As we need to hook up to new song.
~ Mansi Gupta. 

Sunday, 10 July 2016


You say you care but how do you show that affection?
my mind,my body, my soul feels like it is in some kind of detention ,

the tissues lying on my couch,
or the ones I carry in my pouch,

the trembles I feel,
after my last meal,

the day when your silly little joke,
gave both of us a stroke,

a world build from a scratch,
got detached.

~ Mansi Gupta.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

We are so doubtful about certain things that we always question, we doubt the base which lead us there, we overthink and ruin it for ourselves. We feel that we're in some kind of lie .We are hurt by some one else but we hurt ourselves .We let the past affect what we have. We're so lost that we forget what we need the most. We need to give ourselves a little break, as we are the ones who break, our own hearts, right from the start.

~ Mansi Gupta.

Friday, 8 July 2016


Isn't it funny!
We want someone when that person is no longer in our life.We want to be with them even if that means a few moments, we cling to their habits so much that we don't know what would it be without their constant weirdness,constant support.
At times, we just need their presence, we are haunted by the fear of the future, we fear life and at that time we just want them to stand right in front of us and say nothing. Just look us in the eye showing us that we're not alone, we never were.
So when something happens to them,
the little soul of ours,

~ Mansi Gupta.

Monday, 4 July 2016

The other side.

Take me to the other side,
When we win all the fights,
When we are sure about the light,

When love is a charm,
 and not an alarm,

When we know those ties,
aren't based on lies,

When we know that storm,
won't break what we form,

Then take me to the other side,
As I know, I want to catch that ride.

~ Mansi Gupta.

Monday, 27 June 2016

What if?

And she shrugged,
as he hugged,

he clenched his fist,
it was all just mist,

he felt the punch,
when she didn't eat lunch,

she grew up,
and he remembered the time she drank from his cup,

time flew,

when she got a call,
her world did fall,

as now she wanted a hug,
but all she could see was him lying on the rug.

~ Mansi Gupta.


Tired of feeling the same,
everything was a mess,
wanted to know the truth,
she knew it was a bitter fruit.

months passed by,
still she couldn't  find the answer,
what did she miss,
after the last kiss.

the day in the chapel,
and her wonderful white gown,
blood stains all over ,
a tombstone, a flower.

~ Mansi Gupta.


Promise, that's what he said,
breaking it was all he meant,
I know forever is a lie,
but it's better than a goodbye.

that day I woke up,
I felt different about us,
we had changed the pace,
as all we needed was some space.

~ Mansi Gupta.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Where was I wrong?

I never saw her again,
well,  let's  go to the start,
the part that touched my heart.

Like the old movies,
when things are paused,
for some cause.

To stop and stare,
back to the present,
when she wasn't present.

Was it that long,
that it lost the touch,
or was there no thing as such.

She had the last word,
it was a deep cut,
and my mouth was shut.

I was young back then,
time flew,
and yet I had no clue.

Where was I wrong?
~ Mansi Gupta.


We wandered during dusk,
we stood by the moonlight,
that day the sky was different,
it was different for us.

We sat still ,
The shimmering stars,
Blurred vision,
We lost the will.

A walk back in time,
With a smile,
With tears,
We talked till nine.

Afraid to grow old,
We feared,
What we had lost,
We feared of being bold.

A glance,
With terror,
That we forgot to take a chance.
~ Mansi Gupta. 


And we are quite,
we give up the real fight,
we stay in the shade,
when our world fades,
we cheat,
as we accept defeat,
a heart so young,
still so quickly done,
from west to east,
we forget to unleash our inner beast.
~ Mansi Gupta. 

Friday, 10 June 2016

Our planned future

We always plan for the future, worry about the future. Are we even going to be a part of "our planned future." Think about it. We plan way ahead and forget to enjoy what we have at the moment. We forget to do certain things that won't or might not be in "our planned future." We think that relationship/friendship is just something to be kept aside. It's always about the future isn't it? Why don't we think of moving along with the people we're currently seeing on a daily basis. Of course, that doesn't fit the definition of moving on or ready to bare changes. Well, if you don't see certain people in your planned future, then they are not your kind of people.
~ Mansi Gupta.


We all like reading tales,
the one which never fails,
a look,
makes you read the entire book,
when you walk into the store,
you want more,
it's about the click,
it's not just a love flick,
a little trick,
makes you feel the prick.
~ Mansi Gupta.


Words with a heart,
or a soulless start,
a fake smile,
or walking a mile,
a mind blowing act,
or stating a fact,
plastic cages,
or inked pages.
~ Mansi Gupta.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016


All we want is something that fits right? Something we might think is not right for us but turns out to be perfect match. Something which bares the inner core of our heart. Something you're meant to discover, sooner or later. Something which feels right. We search for the right thing for a long time, unknowingly. We think we don't need that, but we do. And when you finally find those last pages. Oh well, you have broken those damn cages.
~ Mansi Gupta.


We are so afraid to try,
so afraid to cry,
to show the real strip,
of our life long clip,
being true,
isn't our cue,
being a fake,
is all what the world takes.
~ Mansi Gupta.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

We tend to get lost, to discover our most.
~ Mansi Gupta.


"Was it a mistake? "
 A mistake?
" Yes, I mean falling in love."
Why would it be?
I mean , after what happened you would think so but that was the best feeling,
a feeling which drives you insane,
a feeling which doesn't let you sleep,
you always care for that person,
so what if it wasn't meant to be,
but you can't call it a mistake,
you need that,
you need to get hit once in a while,
you can't just cling,
to something you call spring.
~ Mansi Gupta.  

Saturday, 4 June 2016


Took a deep breath,
walked those steps,
knocked on the door,
looking at the floor,
moving forward,
felt like a coward,
tears lead,
a hand on her head.
~ Mansi Gupta.


She had  a mind set,
a heart full of regret,
tears on her cheek,
broken pieces,
the sharp prick,
that did the trick.
~ Mansi Gupta.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

The star will shine, that's the magic of time.
~ Mansi Gupta.
And when you hit the light, you forget about the previous night.
~ Mansi Gupta. 

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

And she wanted to end things, as she didn't want to be the one who clings.
~ Mansi Gupta.


A beast
wanted to feast,
tied down,
in that old town,
it was all sweat and blood,
when he swam in that flood.
~ Mansi Gupta.


With every word written by the ink,
I felt my heart sink,
we had made a home,
I never felt alone,
but as every path crossed,
I felt a part of me was lost,
everything was blue,
held by that glue,
but when I read that letter,
I realized I deserved better.
~ Mansi Gupta.


Every part of him died,
when she cried,
he held her tight,
never left her sight,
wiped her tears,
swallowed her fears,
clenched his fist,
saw through the mist,
ran through the woods,
in search of his new food.
~ Mansi Gupta. 


He wasn't tamed,
he wasn't named,
he made you weak,
forces you to seek,
he created smoke,
which made you choke,
he was evil,
sent from the devil.
~ Mansi Gupta.


He wasn't brave,
he could just crave,
he grew up,
but it wasn't quite much,
scars were all he had,
those words made him a lad,
wanted shades,
but was surrounded by blades.
~ Mansi Gupta.


Stepped out of the door,
her eyes were sore,
she lost sight,
the will to fight,
she wanted to back,
when things were on track.
~ Mansi Gupta.


It was a start,
of her new part,
tried to be bold,
as she was always told,
walking with a mark,
in the dark,
she held tighter,
as she was a fighter.
~ Mansi Gupta.

A silent walk.

Failed to understand,
that's how it all began,
ways parted,
thoughts of how it all started,
promises broken,
hearts ripped,
words spoken,
they tripped,
forgiveness was forgotten,
every feeling was rotten,
a silent walk,
there was nothing left to talk.
~ Mansi Gupta.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016


Sat on the bench,
a bit drenched,
looking back,
of what he lost track,
mind full of sorrow,
there was nothing left to borrow.
~ Mansi Gupta.
What did you think, it wasn't over on that drink.
~ Mansi Gupta.
Her smile he treasures, her absence he measures.
~ Mansi Gupta.

Same song

Looking ahead,
losing their heads,
with things set on,
that same song,
it was difficult to move on.
~ Mansi Gupta.


She fought,
as she thought,
she could change,
something that was strange.
~ Mansi Gupta.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

They introduced war in order to attain peace.
~ Mansi Gupta. 
In the will to achieve,  they were ready to decieve.
~ Mansi Gupta. 


In so much chaos,
 there he was,
you took a glance, 
gave him a chance,
you give in your all,
thinking you won't fall,
but you were just a joke,
after all he spoke,
you took the wrong step,
the one that was in the depths.
~ Mansi Gupta. 

Thursday, 26 May 2016

And at the end the only thing that matters, is the shadow which was right by you when your light was dim.
~ Mansi Gupta
It is not a sin, if we play to win.
~ Mansi Gupta

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


That mirror,
what terror,
unable to recognize,
he was in disguise,
looking through it,
unable to fit,
its edges had rust,
with a little bit of dust,
a reflection unclear,
a world full of fear.
~ Mansi Gupta

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


She felt like home,
after a real long run,
it was like a dome,
protected from the sun,
she finally got what she wanted,
without getting ranted,
she couldn't say goodbye,
she could definitely not lie,
she wanted to hold it tight,
away from the light,
she gave away the hand,
to reach a far off land,
she could feel it all,
she wasn't ready for the call.
~ Mansi Gupta

Monday, 16 May 2016


Eyes filled with water,
charm ready to slaughter,
as she broke the chain,
it began to rain,
as she clutched her fist,
all she could see was mist,
changed the pace of the game,
things were never the same.
~ Mansi Gupta


He had left it all,
he wasn't quiet tall,
walking through the gates of hell,
yet no one could ever tell,
sand burning his tiny feet,
pushing himself through the heat,
the 'Angel' would be with him they said,
but 'Satan' was in his head,
Silence he said to his thoughts,
as they fought,
eyes turning red,
he could never lay in bed.
~ Mansi Gupta

Saturday, 14 May 2016


That same old,
which you once thought was gold,
it felt like summer,
but then you heard them mummer,
life gave you a twist,
like a punch from a fist,
at first you had it all,
but you weren't aware of the fall.
~ Mansi Gupta

Friday, 13 May 2016

Reckless dream

He saw her tender feet,
thought of what she had said,
when they once lay on the sheet,
now it was bursting his head,
he remembered what they had,
grabbed her neck,
a part of him wrecked,
with every little scream,
he fulfilled his dream,
struggling for air,
there was nothing left to bare,
with a little peace,
he was on his knees.
~ Mansi Gupta

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


It had been long,
since she heard that song,
it was always on rewind,
talking about it wasn't divine,
she knew that the past,
didn't long last,
and as the mask fell,
she could tell,
it was better to be lost,
than being someone's almost.
~ Mansi Gupta.

Monday, 9 May 2016


Nothing was making sense,
it was all so dense,
everything was a question,
 nothing was in motion,
a dry land,
stuck in the sand,
it was over,
she was not sober.
~ Mansi Gupta.

Saturday, 7 May 2016


We like to get drunk,
when our boat has sunk,
want to get high,
when we don't even have five,
a funny story is just a part,
it doesn't even relate to start,
we start with cheers,
and end with tears.
~ Mansi Gupta.


Terror couldn't be dealt,
fear was all she felt,
staring at the wall,
shadows growing tall,
everything was red,
except for the bed,
drops on the floor,
a knock on the door.
~ Mansi Gupta.


"Stay with me" he said,
her eyes were turning red,
clenched him tight,
she was loosing sight,
her head on his hand,
laying on a barren land,
all of his fears,
turned into tears,
a silent scream,
a ruined dream.
~ Mansi Gupta